Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 recapped.

Ok so it's 2010 so this blog is gonna be my highlights of 2009 and some of my regrets of 2009.

First of highlights:
January: Um I can't really think of any highlights besides going back to Cascade.

February: First time Valentine's day didn't suck because my boyfriend at the time surprised me with fake buttercups in a vase which he got my RA to put into my dorm room. :)

March: First visit to Oklahoma saw my Aunt and cousin's. First time seeing my newest baby cousin Reese and her big sister Sammie said my name over and over. Which is pretty advanced for a two year old. :)

April: Made up with an old friend and helped throw my first bachelorette party.

May: Reunited with my best friend after not seeing her for a year. Saw all my Cascade senior friends graduate. Sadly May brought the closing of Cascade College.

June: First trip to Pier 39 in San Francisco, 21st Birthday in Monterey. Flew to Texas to see my best friend get married and shot my first gun.

July: Saw my cousins a few times and my baby cousin Norah learned how to say my name.

August: First Giant's game since I was five. Went to Monterey again to see my cousin's and Sammie bonded with me over sea life.

September: Nothing big really happened except I started working full time for my Mom. But Honor Society's first CD came out!

October: First trip to Arkansas to see my little brother.

November: Tim Lincecum won the CY Young for the second year in a row! :) Oh I forgot New Moon came out and I went and saw it with my cousin and her boyfriend! :)

December: Trips to San Francisco where I saw Lauren and Portland! :) Christmas with my family and my baby cousin Reese walked to me. :)

Oh yea all year lots of big things happened for my favorite band Honor Society! :) They had a great 2009 and I am so excited for 2010. :)

I regret not trying harder my last semester at Cascade.

Thanks for reading and here's to a great 2010!!! :)