Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February Doings.

I hate snow. Seriously I hate snow. It gets everywhere and is messy. But it does get classes cancelled so I guess that is a upside. So a few things that have happened since my last post.

Number One: Valentines Day
Possibly my least favorite Holiday of the year. But this year I had a good valentines day. I got some chocolate roses from friends and they are still in my fridge. :) But even though I still dislike the holiday because I think you don't need just one day a year to let someone know that you love them.

Number Two: School
I have had a few tests and assignments due. Some of my classes have been cancelled due to snow and teachers getting stuck at home. I am doing semi well this semester I just need to buckle down more and do even better.

Number Three: Random Doings
So I finally picked out where I am going next year. Are you ready for this? Oklahoma. Yea I am going to Oklahoma the land of Sonic and Chick-Fil-A. Basically I decided that instead of dropping out of school I would continue on. But we will see what happens next and I am kind of excited. So my Mom and I are heading down to Oklahoma during Spring Break where I will visit Oklahoma Christian and see my Aunt, Torey and my cousins. Oh and get Sonic that is the most important part(well at least I think so). Anyways leave comments if you feel like it and I will update again soon.



Anonymous said...

Springs coming and so are the blossoms - you may starting missing the snow then.-pdm

Anonymous said...

glad you decided to continue school. good for you. - pdm