Thursday, November 19, 2020

Our Little Corner of the Internet.

 When most people think of fandoms, they imagine comic con with various people dressed up as their favorite superheroes. The fandoms I’m in while we do dress up a lot of our interaction is online. Since March of this year, we all have been indoors. Creators, YouTubers, and Theater Groups have had to get creative with ways to continue producing content and interacting with fans and keep them entertained during this time. That is where a small thing called Patreon comes in.

Several StarKid members and other creators I follow launched their Patreon’s during the quarantine. It was a way for the fans to help them create content for us during this time. While I am relatively new to navigating the platforms and various social media’s it has been rewarding watching everyone produce videos, podcasts, live-streams, and even release a show they had been working on for years. I have been very grateful to have been a Patreon member of several people I admire.

In joining different creators, Patreon’s, I’ve joined a various number of other fans. A few creator’s have their own discords, where you create different topic channels where everyone can chat. In joining the Discord myself, I have made friends with people worldwide who have the same interests. I’ve made new friends and witnessed how genuinely unique a community of strangers on the internet can be. We all chat about the people we love, discuss various worldly topics, movies, etc., and are there for one another when the world gets us down and have a support system should we need someone to talk about different things we are going through.

I will forever be grateful to the people I’ve met, the creators I follow, and the kindness and acceptance a bunch of strangers showed me. It truly means a lot. 

To Team StarKid, Curt Mega, Jaime Lyn Beatty, Lauren Lopez, Maxwell Glick, Mary Kate Wiles, and the Tin Can Brothers Brian Rosenthal, Corey Lubowich, Joey Richter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating your Patreon’s and a community for me and others to have. I adore you all very, very much. 

All my love and eternal thanks,

Jonell Martin

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Action Item and AllStar Weekend concert. :)

So yesterday was possibly one of the best days of my life. I got to after knowing and talking to them via twitter/facebook/myspace see a band I like called Action Item perform live. So my Mom and I arrived at the venue around 4:30 which was perfect because we ran into Anthony and Brian before getting in line and gave them some of the cookies I had made for the band. They took a picture with me before getting pulled away for an interview. So my Mom and I got in line and a few minutes later some of the guys from AllStar Weekend start filming a youtube video super close to where we are standing. So after they stop filming and go back inside or wherever they were hanging out before the show we still had a hour to wait before the doors open. So it finally gets to be 5:50 and the security tells us we can't bring in any outside food or drink which was a bummer because I had leftover cookies for a friend. So my Mom sees a security guy over near Action Item's tour van and goes over to talk to him and ask if he would give the band the cookies and he said no. So she walks back over to me and we see Mark and Brian in the van and my Mom motions for Mark to come over. So Mark gets out of the van and walks over to us and gives me a hug and we give him the cookies and take a picture together. Ten minutes later the doors open and we are allowed to go inside. The first thing we do when we get inside is litterly bump into Anthony again and he signs my CD and we take another picture together. A few minutes later David shows up and I go over and say hi to David and he gives me a hug and takes a picture with me. A few minutes after talking to some other fans so we can see Dan I give up then I look at my Mom and she is motioning to me and Dan was talking to her so I go over and say hi to Dan and we hug and my Mom takes a picture of us. After that I hung out with my Mom and the rad fans I met until it was time for Action Item to perform. Honestly I was to busy watching and taking pictures to remember the set list but I do know they did Somewhere Out There. Afterwards I hung out with the fans I had been hanging out with before and got a picture with Brian and their merchandise guy Billy. Basically all during AllStar Weekend's set I got to hang out with the guys and the fans I met *not using their names because without permission that would be rude* After the concert was over I said goodbye to Brian and Mark and waited for my friend to take her picture with AllStar Weekend. We went outside after she got her picture taken and talked for a few minutes when Brian came up to say hi. If he hadn't gotten taken away by fans I think he would have stayed and talked to us. In all it was the best night ever and I am so blessed to call myself a fan.

Love you all. Goodnight.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Sometimes I wonder if taking a year off from school was a bad choice. I am a year behind and now have no desire to even go back. Then I reflect on the good and bad that have happened after that decision was made. Honestly I think I made the best decision for me. I now realize what I always have been passionate about it writing. It is what I am best at. I would have never discovered that because I was so gung ho about wanting to be a psychology major and working with kids. I do still want to work with kids and will continue once I go back to school with my psychology degree. But I am going to approach everything with a new perspective. What if I can get the kids I someday hope to work with to express their feelings with writing stories or songs, instead of just talking to them one and one. I know for me the best way I express my feelings is in one of my many stories or journal entries. I know for myself whenever I read things I can always tell what mood the author was in. Also I know for me when I write something I put more feeling into it than just talking. In my opinion I would love to work with kids someday just using writing as a way to vent.

Anways back to the main point, I think I would have never discovered how much I love writing if I hadn't taken a year off. Honestly back in college when ever I had essay assignment as much as I loved writing I dreaded them. But now because it's for me and I won't be judged what I write I love it again. Anyways that has been on my mind all day just thought I'd share.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Honor Society Concert.

Wow yesterday was amazing! I got to the venue around 4:30ish and we were let in around five for soundcheck and meet and greet. The guys played two songs See U In the Dark and When I Get Home. Then we lined up to take pictures and I finally after a year got to see the boys again. Jason gave me a hand pound and said "hi" Michael was sweet and gave me a handshake and they made room for me to stand between all of them. So we took the picture and I start to leave and Alex and Andrew say hi and I say see you tonight and then Alex hugs me. That left a very smiley and giddy Bella. *If you don't know my nickname is Bella* We then waited for another hour and a half before the doors opened at 7. While we waited the guys came outside and got on their tour bus and used a megaphone and talked to us for a few minutes. Alex tried to give someone coffee and Jason gave a lucky fan water. The door opened at seven and I went inside and Ashlyne Huff performed and was amazing!!! I went over to see her after her performance and she said "Jonell hi sweetie" and gave me a hug and we took a picture together and I gave her the present I had for her. Then Just Kait performed and she was very good. Then after a brief intermission Honor Society came out and performed. The songs they performed are Rock With You, See U In The Dark, Here Comes Trouble, Two Rebels, Can't Box Me In, My Own Way, an acoustic set which included Firebomb by Rihanna, Speechless by Lady Gaga, Need You Now by Lady Antebellum, Down by Jay Sean and When I Get Home which is an Honor Society song, after that they performed Sing For You, Don't Close The Book, Over You, Nobody Has to Know and finished with Full Moon Crazy. After the concert ended there was another meet and greet and my mom and I had our posters signed by the guys and Ashlyne said hi to me again. I had a great time and can't wait until the come back to California!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 recapped.

Ok so it's 2010 so this blog is gonna be my highlights of 2009 and some of my regrets of 2009.

First of highlights:
January: Um I can't really think of any highlights besides going back to Cascade.

February: First time Valentine's day didn't suck because my boyfriend at the time surprised me with fake buttercups in a vase which he got my RA to put into my dorm room. :)

March: First visit to Oklahoma saw my Aunt and cousin's. First time seeing my newest baby cousin Reese and her big sister Sammie said my name over and over. Which is pretty advanced for a two year old. :)

April: Made up with an old friend and helped throw my first bachelorette party.

May: Reunited with my best friend after not seeing her for a year. Saw all my Cascade senior friends graduate. Sadly May brought the closing of Cascade College.

June: First trip to Pier 39 in San Francisco, 21st Birthday in Monterey. Flew to Texas to see my best friend get married and shot my first gun.

July: Saw my cousins a few times and my baby cousin Norah learned how to say my name.

August: First Giant's game since I was five. Went to Monterey again to see my cousin's and Sammie bonded with me over sea life.

September: Nothing big really happened except I started working full time for my Mom. But Honor Society's first CD came out!

October: First trip to Arkansas to see my little brother.

November: Tim Lincecum won the CY Young for the second year in a row! :) Oh I forgot New Moon came out and I went and saw it with my cousin and her boyfriend! :)

December: Trips to San Francisco where I saw Lauren and Portland! :) Christmas with my family and my baby cousin Reese walked to me. :)

Oh yea all year lots of big things happened for my favorite band Honor Society! :) They had a great 2009 and I am so excited for 2010. :)

I regret not trying harder my last semester at Cascade.

Thanks for reading and here's to a great 2010!!! :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree oh Christmas tree,

First off I love White Chocolate Mochas and starbucks. That's all.

Giant's Dream # who knows
Thanks to my lovely friend Lauren *HI LAUREN!* posting new pictures of Giants stuff on facebook I think that is why I had this dream last night.

Giants Dugout-store Decemeber 2009
I am in the store shopping for a Giant's sweatshirt for my younger brother when all these people come in and start saying Joe Martinez got hit with a baseball again. I of course start crying cause I cant stand anyone even if I don't know them in pain. Especially a Giant. So I somehow have access to the clubhouse and go down there to see if Joe is ok. The thought in my mind is why the heck are they practicing in December anyway. So I open the clubhouse door and out pops Lincecum who gives me great big hug and pulls me inside. Then all the sudden the Jonas Brothers show up and everyone yells surprise. Apparently my Mom and Joe had planned the whole thing and it was my unbirthday party. Then it started snowing and a dog came up to me to lick my hand.

I have weird dreams maybe it's time to cut back on the coffee.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February Doings.

I hate snow. Seriously I hate snow. It gets everywhere and is messy. But it does get classes cancelled so I guess that is a upside. So a few things that have happened since my last post.

Number One: Valentines Day
Possibly my least favorite Holiday of the year. But this year I had a good valentines day. I got some chocolate roses from friends and they are still in my fridge. :) But even though I still dislike the holiday because I think you don't need just one day a year to let someone know that you love them.

Number Two: School
I have had a few tests and assignments due. Some of my classes have been cancelled due to snow and teachers getting stuck at home. I am doing semi well this semester I just need to buckle down more and do even better.

Number Three: Random Doings
So I finally picked out where I am going next year. Are you ready for this? Oklahoma. Yea I am going to Oklahoma the land of Sonic and Chick-Fil-A. Basically I decided that instead of dropping out of school I would continue on. But we will see what happens next and I am kind of excited. So my Mom and I are heading down to Oklahoma during Spring Break where I will visit Oklahoma Christian and see my Aunt, Torey and my cousins. Oh and get Sonic that is the most important part(well at least I think so). Anyways leave comments if you feel like it and I will update again soon.
